Friday, October 3, 2008

more websites to try

spelling city

Here’s a great way for elementary teachers or parents to help your students practice for those weekly spelling tests that we all know and love! Also, you can search for a huge number of provided lists that cover a large range of age appropriateness, and content specific subjects.

As a teacher or parent, you can very easily create a “weekly spelling list” that can be accessed at home with a username and password of your choice. You have the choice of making your list public and searchable, or keep it private so only your students will know how to find it. No email or identification is required of the student, and when they log in, they will be presented with several very interactive ways to learn their words. They can hear their words, take practice tests or play one of several games.
Jump in and give it a try! I am using it with my children and they really seem to enjoy it. I am sure you’ll find the same results with your students. Let us know how it goes, and if you’ve shared any great new lists!

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